Thursday, November 6, 2008

27 Days of Thanksgiving

Day 5: Today I am thankful for three hours of quiet time. Every Thursday the girls go visit their father after school 3:30p.m. until 6:30p.m. I have to admit, when he first got visits in April I was extremely nervous, as he hadn't really participated in their lives before this. For their first visit I sat and counted the minutes miserably-would my children get home safely? Would they have all their limbs?? (Of course I am slightly exaggerating here but I seriously was TERRIFIED-I had been the only one to ever take care of them and he had never been alone with them.)

The girls stepmom, Jessica, did a lot to set my mind at ease. She always looks super excited to see them and they look just as happy to see her. I really feel like she has so much fun with my kids!

I have become accustomed to their weekly visit, even looking forward to it now. Ithas become my time alone with Christian, or sometimes just alone myself. This past week, I spent these glorious three hours just sitting around eating fried rice and watching holiday shows on the Food Network. Yes! SUCH a productive way to spend my time! Haha. I don't usually get to just sit doing nothing, so this was a real treat. Yay for totally unproductive relaxation!