Saturday, January 3, 2009

Little Keepers at Home

I ordered this book for my littler girls, from Keepers of the Faith. It's really cute. It has all kinds of skills and projects the girls can do to earn badges, kind of like Girl Scouts. They really wanted to join Girl Scouts earlier in the year, and we went to an informational meeting but were never called back. I started thinking about it, and we do a lot of stuff outside the home anyways. I found the Keepers of the Faith website and thought it would be a wonderful idea to do this in our home, as a little family "club". The girls took one look at the book and jumped on it-they were so excited! I just have to wait until I have the money and I will be ordering them the T shirts and sashes, and their initial keepers badge. I think we will have a lot of fun with this, and it will help me teach my girls about loving God and taking care of our home, and being wonderful family members and friends!